
Espro Press
Brewing Method
Tak ada yang bisa mengalahkan kawan sejati saya, French Press, alat seduh kopi yang sudah lama menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dan selalu saya anjurkan bagi siapapun khususnya yang baru terkena sihir minuman ini. Tentu merek Bodum atau Hario…

Tips menyeduh kopi di rumah
Brewing Method
Setiap orang punya preferensi berbeda mengenai cara menikmati kopi, walau secara kultur masyarakat Indonesia dikenal dengan penyajian kopi tubruk yang sudah berusia ratusan tahun. Sebenarnya sebagian posting mengenai cara penyajian kopi…

Which type of Coffee Lover are you? (NEW)
Brewing Method
Caption : This is a small survey to anyone who wants to share their chosen method for coffee brewing – a small note on the varied ways coffee lovers enjoy their coffee, which are always interesting and worth-reading.
There are many ways…

How do you brew your coffee?
There are many ways to brew coffee, from the simplest method of Kopi Tubruk to the more complicated ones, including the acrobats of the coffee brewers or baristas who use espresso machines, or syphon devices.
As we all know, there’s…