Indonesian Coffee Festival
Headlines / News
Dede Yusuf, the vice governor of West Java, admitted that he was an avid coffee drinker who used to drink up to eight cups a day, until his wife Sendy Ramania Wurandani decided that it was simply too much and started limiting his intake.…

Talk Show TVOne
Headlines / News
I was invited as one of the speakers at “Apa Kabar Indonesia” (ed. How Are You Indonesia) at TVOne this Tuesday morning, along with the hosts of Bandung Coffee Festival, which was represented by Ellyanthy Tambunan and Hermawan Rianto.…

Cappuccino Creme Brulee
Crème brulee is a delightful dessert which is made of a mixture of milk, cream and egg, and this mixture is what we call custard. Then, it’s sprinkled with sugar that is burnt and caramelised. This version of Crème brulee, however, is…

Festival Kopi di Bandung
Headlines / News
Ini media rilis sekaligus undangan bagi publik pecinta kopi untuk menghadiri Festival Kopi di kota Bandung yang didukung oleh Asosiasi Kopi Spesial Indonesia (AKSI=SCAI) dan instansi pemerintah terkait. Menurut pihak panitia beberapa acara…

Replica Piston
Mesin Espresso
Sepertinya semakin banyak produsen mesin espresso kembali ke "khittah" memproduksi kembali sistem manual lever, asal muasal mesin kopi yang kemudian melahirkan istilah "pull the shot". dan Vibiemme Replica Piston salah satunya. Tidak selalu…

Treasure Coffee Bali
Cafe & Travelling
That evening, Treasure Coffee – led by Ferdee Sugiono – receives its very important guests, and amongst them is Rocky Rhodes, an instructor from Quality Coffee Institute who is attending a Q Grader event in Bali. Treasure Coffee is young…

Compak R-100
Grinder Kopi
Reading manuals of any kind can be boring, but that is not the case with the manual for Compak R-100 grinder, in which amongst many of the information it contains, it tells us about the amount of particle in each coffee bean according to…

Kopling Jilid ke-5
Headlines / News
Komunitas seni Kopi Keliling yang kebanyakan merupakan desainer grafis datang lagi dengan berbagai kegiatan yang menggabungkan kopi sebagai salah satu temanya selain musik dan karya-karya grafis. Kalau Anda ingin tahu apa dan bagaimana…

Michele Pauletic - Master Barista Class
Headlines / News
You may read the English version below the last Indonesian paragraph :
Satu persatu para peserta kelas Master Barista di Università del caffè (UDC) Jakarta menimbang bubuk kopi sebanyak 14 gram yang akan digunakan untuk membuat espresso.…