Imagine a photo studio that has its own rather symbolic coffee house. So far, I’ve come across only one, and it’s Kedai Lante Satu, located at Jalan Kemanggisan Utama Raya No. B4D. To get there, turn left once you pass Seven Eleven at Kemanggisan Raya area and a few hundred metres away you will see the building on your left hand side, where Kedai Lante Satu resides. Combining coffee and photography – the two cults I worship in – feel free to drop by and enjoy a cup of coffee while renting the photo studio located on the third floor.
The owner is Timur Angin, a person who has been in existence in photography, especially in fashion, and whose works can be seen in many fashion magazines in Indonesia. You can also take pleasure in some of his works that are displayed all over Kedai Lante Satu’s 60 meter squared walls. The place is also decorated with ornaments and a collection of colorful flags of Tibet hung horizontally across the ceiling – they’re called lung ta, and they symbolize a hope on peace, harmony, love, strength and wisdom. The most interesting thing, however, is the blue chair up front – it was stripped off of a classic Volvo, a centre spot that becomes the focal point of Kedai Lante Satu’s interior.
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The owner is a photographer, which is evident to displayed works that become parts of the interior.
The coffee is far from disappointing, especially for the patrons who long for authentic Indonesian coffees that are brewed in French Press devices. For you milk-based coffee fans who prefer cappuccinos or caffe lattes, Kedai Lante Satu also satisfies your needs by equipping an espresso machine.
In the risk of violating any coffee house standards, it still doesn’t feel complete for a coffee house to not serve the obligatory fried rice in their menu. Perhaps you’d be interested to taste their green fried rice which is served with a sunny side up and fried chicken. The menu at Kedai Lante Satu adopts a home made style and disposes of the pretense of serving cuisine dishes. Don’t miss the Nasi Rawon either – a flavourful beef broth made with black nuts and chunks of beef, rich in flavor and the authentic taste of black nuts which is the main feature of this dish.
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The coffee… providing coffee from many parts of Indonesia that are roasted from a well-known roaster in the country.
Kedai Lante Satu has just opened early November this year and it has become a must-visit coffee house in West Jakarta district, as opposed to the South Jakarta district that is well known for its coffee houses and eateries. Located near a well-known university, this place appeals not only to photography enthusiasts, but also college students. Which is why you won’t have to worry about the wrinkles on your forehead upon browsing the menu.
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Kedai Lante Satu
Bagaimana jika sebuah studio foto yang melengkapi fasilitasnya dengan sebuah warung kopi yang representatif. Baru satu yang saya temui secara langsung, namanya Lante Satu yang berlokasi di jalan Kemanggisan Utama Raya no. B4D. Sebagai panduan, arahkan kendaraan Anda ke kiri saat melewati toko Seven Eleven di area Kemanggisan Raya dan beberapa ratus meter di kiri depan ruko Lante Satu sudah terlihat. Kopi dan fotografi, dua mazhab yang saya anut dan siapa tahu Anda juga bisa mampir ke sini untuk menikmati kopi sambil menyewa studio fotonya yang terletak di lantai tiga.
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Rawon Surabaya. Fans of East Javanese cuisine shouldn’t miss the Rawon, with its black nutty flavour guaranteed in leaving you wanting more.
Timur Angin, sang empunya sudah malang melintang di dunia fotografi khususnya fashion yang karyanya bertebaran di berbagai majalah mode di Indonesia. Anda juga bisa menikmati sebagian karya-karya fotografinya di dinding Kedai Lante Satu yang luasnya sekitar 60 meter persegi. Dihiasi ornamen kumpulan bendera warna warni dari negara Tibet yang terpasang horizontal, dikenal dengan istilah lung ta, sebuah harapan akan kedamaian, harmoni, kasih sayang, kekuatan dan kebijaksanaan. Tapi yang paling menarik, salah satu kursi depan merupakan copotan dari sebuah mobil klasik merek Volvo berwarna biru, center spot yang menjadi daya tarik interior ruangan di Kedai Lante Satu.
Kopinya buat saya tak mengecewakan apalagi bagi pengunjung yang menginkan beberapa kopi dari daerah Indonesia dengan sajian alat seduh french press. Bagi penyuka kopi susu atau milk based seperti cappuccino atau caffe latte, mereka juga menyediakan jenis minuman ini yang disajikan dengan sebuah mesin espresso.
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Green Fried Rice. There are countless varieties of this popular Asian dish, and this one is served in a vibrant green color.
Walau sedikit menyalahi pakem, namun rasanya tak lengkap kalau sebuah kedai kopi tak menyediakan nasi goreng. Mungkin Anda tertarik mencicipi nasi goreng yang warnanya hijau dengan telur ceplok dan dua potong ayam goreng. Menu di Kedai Lante Satu dibuat dengan home made style dan tidak mereka tidak mau berpura-pura menghidangkan sebuah sajian cuisine. Coba jajal juga nasi rawon-nya yang kaya dengan bumbu dan rasa kluwek yang merupakan ciri utama makanan ini.
Kedai lante Satu baru saja beroperasi sejak awal November tahun ini dan menjadi salah satu titik warung kopi di kawasan Jakarta Barat, yang biasanya tumplek di Jakarta Selatan. Dengan lokasi sangat berdekatan dengan salah satu lembaga pendidikan tinggi, Kedai ini bukan hanya akan menjaring peminat fotografi, tapi juga kalangan mahasiswa. Oleh karenanya, harga yang tertera di buku menu tak akan membuat kening Anda berkerut.
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ECM Giotto. An electricity friendly ECM Giotto Evoluzione espresso machine does the job perfectly; 1200 watt with the capacity of 1.8 litre boiler. A prosumer coffee machine that suits a cozy coffee house. Sitting next to it is a Compak K3 Touch doserless grinder.
Koreksi : Seharusnya ECM tipe Evoluzione bukan Professional.
tapi akhirnya ada juga kedai lante satu di pejaten..hehe jakarta selatan juga akhirnya
baru nyoba kesana tadi. Tempatnya nyaman, tenang. Kopinya enak, harga nikmat
tempatnya enaak.. makanan n bbrp minuman yg udh saya coba, enaak juga.. n harga yg bikin aman dompet =D
center point kedai kopi-nya kok nggak di post photonya kang?
Hmmmm itu click tampernya Espro yah ? Muantabs
wah baru tau Mas Timur Angin punya cafe.. musti mampir nih
mantap nih. my kinda place photography gallery + cafe and a photo studio.